
Dockerize a fullstack application

Dockerizing a Postgres, Nestjs & React application with separate development and test databases. Run with a single command thanks to docker-compose.

In this approach the only public facing part of the application will be the frontend which will have access to the backend thanks to a shared network and likewise backend will have access to the database that same way.

You can checkout the finished code on github


First off, frontend needs a proxy server that will either serve the static files if it’s a page request or forward it to the backend REST endpoint.

const express = require("express")
const { createProxyMiddleware } = require("http-proxy-middleware")
const app = express()
const port = 3001
const options = {
  /* we will use this environmental variable to
  feed the backend server url via a service name */
  target: process.env.REST_API_URL,

  // changes the origin of the host header to the target URL
  changeOrigin: true,

  pathRewrite: {
    /* client will send all backend requests to /api/path/to/endpoint
  this will remove the /api prefix when forwarding the request to the server */
    "^/api": "",

// adding proxy middleware for /api requests
app.use("/api", createProxyMiddleware(options))

// standard static file serve

app.listen(port, () => {
  console.log(`Example app listening at http://localhost:${port}`)

Naturally, to run this in docker we need a Dockerfile that will download a Node.js image, install all dependencies, build the site and startup our simple proxy server to serve it.

FROM node:14.15.0

COPY dockerize-fullstack-application.mdx .

RUN npm install && npm run build


CMD node server/main.js

Use a .dockerignore file to avoid copying unnecessary folders into the container. Here I recommend putting .cache, public and node_modules to avoid long build times as well as gatsby build errors.

You can build and run this image with

docker build -t my-frontend-app .
docker run -e REST_API_URL=http://localhost:3000 -p 3001:3001 my-frontend-app


Setting up a database with docker-compose is as easy as it can be. Define the image you want to use, expose a port, add database variables and define a volume for persistent data.

version: '3.9'
    image: postgres:12-alpine
    container_name: exanubes-database
      - "5432"
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_USER=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_DB=exanubes-prod
      - ./postgres-data:/var/lib/postgesql/data


Backend is a little bit more complicated as it needs to connect to different databases depending on the environment it’s in, so we’re gonna use some environment variables to configure the connection.


Aside from that, sequelize-cli which is responsible for performing migrations on the database, has to be configured as well. So in db/config.json add:

  "production": {
    "username": "exanubes",
    "password": "exanubes",
    "database": "exanubes-prod",
    "host": "database",
    "dialect": "postgres"

Each key in this config relates to the NODE_ENV environment variable’s value. It’s completely arbitrary and can be set to anything.


One caveat in backend’s Dockerfile is that we have to run migrations before starting the server. Also making sure the NODE_ENV is what is expected it to be, I set it explicitly when running the commands. Rest is pretty much the same as in the frontend image

FROM node:14.15.0-alpine

COPY .. .

RUN npm install && npm run build

CMD NODE_ENV='production' npm run migrate && NODE_ENV='production' node dist/main.js

It’s also worth creating a .dockerignore file to prevent copying node_modules, .env files and dist folder

Docker Compose

To make everything easier on us when deploying this application, we’ll add backend and frontend services to docker-compose.yml

    restart: always
    build: ./backend
    container_name: exanubes-backend
      - "exanubes-database:database"
      - exanubes-database
      - DB_USER=exanubes
      - DB_PASSWORD=exanubes
      - DB_NAME=exanubes-prod
      - DB_HOST=database

First of all, docker-compose needs to know where’s the Docker image it’s supposed to build. In the database service we used an existing postgres image, here we point to the backend directory and from there docker-compose will build the Dockerfile that’s in there. Link and alias the database service, tell docker that we rely on that service so it will spin that up first and finally pass in the environment variables so we can connect to the database. These should be the same as in db/config.json.

    restart: always
    build: ./frontend
    container_name: exanubes-frontend
      - "exanubes-backend:backend"
      - "3001:3001"
      - REST_API_URL=http://backend:3000

Very similar to the backend service, we set the restart option, point Docker to the image definition but this time link and alias the backend service. Now, because frontend has to be accessible from outside the container, we gotta map the container port to the host port. Last but not least we pass the backend url to the proxy server using the backend alias.

Test & Development

Adding test and development database is very similar to production database.

    image: postgres:12-alpine
    container_name: exanubes-dev-database
    profiles: ["dev"]
      - "5431:5432"
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_USER=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_DB=exanubes-db-dev
      - ./pg-data:/var/lib/postgresql/data

Each of the databases definitely needs a different db name in POSTGRES_DB. Image should stay the same as we do not want a different version of postgres depending on environment. Define a separate mapping for the dev database volume. I also like to define profiles for non production services. This way I make sure that when I run this service all other dev services will be run as well but also that this service will not be run when I want run the production app with docker-compose up.

    image: postgres:12-alpine
    container_name: exanubes-test-database
    profiles: ["test"]
      - "5433:5432"
      - POSTGRES_PASSWORD=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_USER=exanubes
      - POSTGRES_DB=exanubes-db-test

Pretty much the same as dev but this time with a test profile and without a volume as we don’t need persistent data with automatic tests. Last but not least, both of these databases need to map container port to host machine port so we’re able to connect to them from localhost.

To get all this to work I also added development and test configs for the sequelize-cli in db/config.json

  "development": {
      "username": "exanubes",
      "password": "exanubes",
      "database": "exanubes-db-dev",
      "host": "localhost",
      "dialect": "postgres",
      "port": "5431"
    "test": {
      "username": "exanubes",
      "password": "exanubes",
      "database": "exanubes-db-test",
      "host": "localhost",
      "dialect": "postgres",
      "port": "5433"

You can checkout the e2e tests by running npm run test:e2e in the backend directory. This should build the test-database service, run tests and tear it down before exiting.

In a future article I’ll cover how to deploy a dockerized application on Elastic Container Service